Tuesday, 9 October 2007


I wrote a story treatment, ready for tomorrow's presentation:


(Fade from Black) – Sophie wakes in the dream world.

She’s anxious as a creature approaches her.

Her anxiety turns to relief when she recognises ‘Bobo’ (who’s there to help her with her journey to the train).

The environment takes a new meaning as Bobo circles her.

Bobo urges her to get on his back, when he sees the encroaching ‘Monster’.

The monster catches up to them and Sophie awakes on her hospital bed, with the staff trying to resuscitate her.

She grasps her grieving mum’s fingers, smiling, letting her mum know it’s time to let go.

The mother hugs her daughter as she gently slips away.

The mother places an inanimate Bobo on her daughter as the camera pans out (plan position - in an anti-clockwise fashion).

Sophie’s back in the dream world (on Bobo’s back) as they dash for the train.

They make the train just in time and Bobo says good-bye. End

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